SofLens® Toric, now known as Soflens® for Astigmatism, contact lenses by Bausch and Lomb are two-week replacement contacts designed to meet the special needs of people with astigmatism. The SofLens66 ® Toric contact lens has a unique design that is easy to wear. It provides clear vision and exceptional comfort day after day. After two weeks, throw your lenses away and start over with a fresh pair. has been providing customers with vision care products for over 30 years. LensDirect is a family-run business that aims to treat its customers like family. Return policy: All orders must be returned within 90-days of delivery shipment. You may return any unopened boxes or glass vials that are in the original condition purchased from LensDirect for a store credit or refund. You can contact LensDirect customer service by phone at 1-800-5367-111 or email at [email protected].